A space efficient weather widget, features- Current temperature, conditions, humidity, wind speed and direction.- Today or tomorrow (changes at 6 PM) forecast high, low, conditions.- One touch 36 hour hourly forecast with temperature, wind, conditions.- Update stamp - day/city, day/short city/update times, or day/lat/lon.- 2x1, 3x1.5, or 4x2 columns x rows.- Multiple widgets with different configurations allowed.- Configuration includes color, opacity, English or metric, update interval.- No advertising.Installing the Widget - installing this app installs a configuration app and requests location service permission. The widget is installed separately using Androids widget installation procedure - long touch on the home screen background, scroll the widget list to find the RS weather widget, long touch to select and drag the widget to the home screen.The widget can be resized starting with a long touch to select the widget and display the resize box.Ravitz Software Weather Widget requests access to foreground and background location services to give automatic updates to local weather data. Data is obtained at user specified intervals of 30, 60 (default), or 120 minutes. If location permissions are not set or location or GPS services are not enabled, an error line ("X permission" or "X location" for example) will be displayed and there will be no location/weather updates.Privacy Policy - www.rs.ravitz.us/rsprivacy.htmRavitz Software Weather Widget accesses phone location to provide local weather conditions. The current user location (latitude, longitude, city) is sent to a weather service via HTTPS, with no other personal information, to retrieve local weather data. Old location information is deleted when new location information is obtained. Other than this, no user information is accessed, stored, used, shared, sold, or uploaded.